Filtering of feedstock in Refinery
The catalysts used in many of today’s processes for hydrocracking, hydrodesulfurizing and hydrotreating are designed for longer service life, requiring more effective removal of solids from the feedstock to avoid premature and expensive replacements due to plugging. The cost of replacing a catalyst load is expensive, often as much as twenty to thirty times the price of an effective tubular filter system. 4000 Series tubular backwash filters, ASME Code designed and stamped, provide cost effective continuous protection for the life of catalytic reactors. The ProGuard Filtration System is designed for high temperature, high pressure critical refinery applications where low maintenance, continuous operations are a necessity.
The 4000 Series filter is usually custom designed by engineering specifications. The filter can be readily modified to accommodate special components and accessories, to meet plant design standards or other customer requirements.
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